
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Workshop move

There is not much woodworking going on in my place at the moment, and the blog suffers. The windows are finished, painted and all. I am now gearing up to replace 8 meters of fencing and much more painting. And in the mean time I am moving my workshop too.

Our property had a stone shed for the bicycles and garden stuff, a wooden shed that was the home of my handtool workshop, and a single car garage where the tablesaw lived, together with a motorbike, my woodstash and loads of junk. I had long since contemplated to change this configuration, but I was dreading the amount of work involved. But I had to replace a few sidings from the wooden shed, which forced me to clear out half of it anyway.

So , the idea is to move the wood stash, plus all the junk that can't be thrown away yet, to the wooden shed, and make a nice workshop in the garage. I'm going to miss my cosy little wooden workshop, but will get loads of space in return.

It is a bit of a logistic nightmare, but slowly I'm getting there. I made a sturdy rack for all the bits of wood I've collected over time. It had to be freestanding, because the walls of the shed are quite flimsy. It is now loaded with a bunch of wood, but I made it large enough for loads more :-)
And yes, that's a motorbike engine in front, A 1951 BMW R25, needing a bit of attention. One day...

The garage is clear on one side now, so I can move the workbench to the new spot. I think I have a lead on some kitchen cabinets, so I can make proper storage and a real sharpening bench in the garage. I am still contemplating to make a wooden floor, at least in part of the garage. A wooden floor is a real asset in a workshop.

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