
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Old stuff from the Spanish Pyrenees, wood.

My wife and me visited the Spanish Pyrenees for about three weeks, trekking around, walking in the mountains and visiting a bunch of very old little villages and towns. In this blog I'd like to share some pictures from some wooden stuff I found down there.

First the wooden stuff, in the next blog some iron. You can click the images to enlarge them.

Always nice, wooden doors, this one in a 11th century hermit's chappel at Tella, The door itself surely isn't that old! But it fits nice in the surroundings.

Could use a paint brush... (Benasque).

A  nicely carved bench in the Basilica de la Pena in Graus.

In Alquezar, also a medieval town, this decorated cabinet in the Church of Santa Maria.

In the same church a very long cabinet with plenty of drawers. It sure looked like it was made of pine. Nice decorations.

A similar cabinet in Roda de Isabona, in the Cathedral.

In the same cathedral a joined stool of "some importance".

And a detail (the armrest doesn't look very original).

Hey, staked furniture! A bench in the courtyard of the same cathedral.

In the Val de Boi, there are a couple of Romanic parish churches that are quite original yet. In one of them I found this replica of a medieval church bench.

And some typically Romanic (10th-11th century) statues of Jesus on the cross and Maria with Jesus.

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