
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Planing the legs, 2

After establishing the two reference faces it is time to thickness the boards to the desired size and cut the board to width.

First mark the thickness all around the board. I had meassured all boards to see which was narrower then the other. I want the legs to be as thick as possible, and 4.4 cm proved to be the best size.

On some boards quite a bit of material needs to be removed, so I picked up an old German scrubplane with a narrow blade with a heavy camber. This removes wood in a hurry, making thick chips. It's best to work across the grain or slightly diagonal. To prevent blowing out the far edge, make a relief camber on that side. Watch out, it's easy to go too deep with this plane.

The scrubplane leaves a terrible surface.

 So the next plane is the foreplane again and finally the jointer to make everything straight and smooth. When you watch the marking lines it is not too difficult to get the surface straight. It's good to check though. This surface isn't a reference edge, so it is not important when it isn't absolutely straight, as long as it looks allright.
The succession of planes for this operation:

And then we need to cut the board to width. With a ripsaw this isn't too much work. Well, it is a workout of course, but I timed myself and it took only 5 minutes. Use a jointerplane again to make the edge nice and straight to the marking line.

One leg is finished now. One other is allready thicknessed, the other two are waiting for a new burst of energy.

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